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The Career Center Cosmetology Program is a two-year program recognized by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology enabling students to earn clock hours toward the completion of a cosmetology license while earning credits toward graduation. Students receive basic training and learn the latest techniques of the beauty industry in our state-of-the-art salon.

The Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology requires 1500 clock hours of instruction and for students to pass two exams to become licensed. Students become eligible for Theory Exam after completing 1000 hours. After students complete the remaining 500 hours, they are eligible for the Practical Exam.


Business of Retail

300 Hours of Cosmetology Instruction

Opportunities Upon Completion

Attend cosmetology school to complete the 1500 hours and exams required by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology for licensing

Cosmetologists earn approximately $13/hour.


11th and 12th graders
Passed biology
Social Security Number
Birth Certificate

Students Learn

Cosmetology I

Properties of Skin, Scalp, & Hair
Shampooing, Rinsing, & Conditioning
Decontamination & Infection Control
Manicuring & Pedicuring

Cosmetology II

Cells, Anatomy, & Physiology
Wet Hair Styling
Hair Cutting
Permanent Waxing

Uniform Requirements

Enclosed black, white, or gray shoes with black, white, or gray crew-length socks (ankles covered) or skin-tone hose

Black scrub pants

Black scrub tops 

Solid black jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt (optional)  

White or black undershirts (optional)

School identification card

Class Fees

Cosmetology I $100

Cosmetology II $100

$2 School identification card fee

$20 School parking tag fee (optional)

Upcoming Events


Last Day for Seniors

All Day Event

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