December 6th - ADD/ADHD Coping Skills February 7 - Connecting Home & School March 14 - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids
Ani Broussard
Student of the Year
J Wallace James would like to congratulation Ani Broussard for being named the 2024-2025 Student of the Year. Ani is a leader at school who is involved in multiple clubs and participates in multiple art forms in addition to maintaining outstanding academic grades. We are proud that she will be represeting our Willow Street Family.
Rachel Courville
Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Courville is our 3rd-5th grade Technology Teacher here at JWJ who is a continuously learning an growing the technology skills of our students. Not only is she a master at technology, but also an expert and connecting classroom concepts to the technology skills to support our students academic learning! Mrs. Courville is a go getter who is willing help any and everyone. We are proud to have her represent Willow Street!
Benjamin Bourg
NEW Teacher of the Year
Mr. Bourg, a JWJ alum, has made quite the impression on Willow Street. He brings a positive, can-do attitutde to his classroom. After one year of teaching, his passion for band and music has inspired so many students at JWJ. We are lucky to have him gracing our halls, now as a teacher, and continuing the mission of our school!
Jolene Prejean
Support Staff of the Year
Mrs. Jolene is the heart of Willow Street. She's behind the scenes solving problems, helping with a smile. Dependable and constant is how anyone at JWJ would describe her. We are so very thankful that she keeps us afloat! CONGRATS!
Willow Street Weekly
LPSS Christmas Break
AR Reward Day
Report Card Day
STARBUCK STORE (Ms. Burzynski's classes)
Pre-K thru 2nd Grade ARTS field trip
STARBUCK STORE (Mrs. Cother's classes)
STARBUCK STORE (Coach Oehl's classes)
LJ Alleman Arts Academy Auditions
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