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J Wallace James Elementary

Extended Care

Hours of Extended Care Program

Morning - Drop off is from 7:00 am - 7:45 am
Afternoon - Pick-up is from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


  • Tuition will not vary from month to month depending on how many days are in the month. 
  • Sliding scale tuition is reduced by $10 for each additional child up to the 3rd child in a household. 
  • We accept cash, check, or money order          
  • Tuition is due by the 5th of each month. A late fee of $10.00 is applied on the 6th. On the 7th, student(s) are dismissed from the program until tuition is paid in full. This applies to both morning and afternoon Extended Care.    


Drop Off / Pick Up Information

Morning Drop Off

  • Parents remain in car at all times - students exit when directed by staff member. 
  • A staff member will greet students. Students should open the door themselves and EXIT the car on the passenger side at all times. 
  • Morning drop off is from 7:00 am - 7:45 am - DOORS are locked at 7:45 am.
  • Once doors are locked - parents MUST use the Car Rider Line - NO EXCEPTIONS.



Students will have the opportunity for breakfast in the morning. Students will report to their designated classroom and proceed to breakfast with the teacher before the bell rings.


Students will be provided a snack in the afternoon. Students will pick up their snack with their Extended Care teacher at the designated area.  The teacher may choose to eat in the classroom or outside.

Afternoon Parent Pick Up

  • Afternoon - Pick-up is from  4:30 pm - 5:30 pm *(see note)
  • After 5:30 pm, you will be charged a $1.00 per minute late fee, per student. 
  • Pick up will happen in the front circle. Please park and go to the front entrance.
  • For student safety, a picture I.D. must be shown to check out a student - NO exceptions.
  • A staff member will verify ID, initial, and indicate pick up time.
  • Students are not allowed to use a mobile phone or other electronic device.
  • On the 3rd time a parent is more than 10 minutes late for pick up, the student will be exited from the program.

Additional Guidelines

  • The earliest a student may leave Extended Care is 4:30 p.m. We are unable to make exceptions to this policy.  Any students needing to leave campus before 4:30 can be checked out by 2:30 p.m. in the front office or  should be a “car rider”  on that day. 
  • Students are not allowed to use a mobile phone or other electronic devices.

J Wallace James Extended Care Behavior Infraction System

  • Please note:  IEP’s, 504’s,  and Behavior plans DO NOT APPLY during Extended Care Hours because it is a separate entity and NOT part of the J Wallace James academic program. 
  • We will follow ALL PBIS/MTSS procedures and expectations. 
  • The LPSS Elementary Consequences of Behavior Policy will be used as a guide to address Extended Care behaviors.  
  • For  Level 1 and Level 2 infractions based on LPSS consequences of behavior policy.  Please refer to the LPSS Handbook for explanation of Levels of Behavior
  • Infractions are assessed based on level of behavior.  Although infractions accumulate, depending on the severity of the infraction, consequence may result in immediate dismissal from the program.
    • 1st infraction  - a conference is held with student and parent - notation is made in binder 
    • 2nd infraction - 1 day suspension from Extended Care 
    • 3rd infraction  - 3 day suspension Extended Care 
    • 4th infraction  - dismissal from Extended Care 
  • The following types of behaviors have additional or varied consequences from the infractions listed above.
    • Students will receive a 3 day automatic suspension from Extended Care for any Level 3 infraction based on the LPSS consequences of behavior policy 
    • Automatic dismissal from the program for the duration of the current school year if a student commits any Level 4 infraction or on the second Level 3 infraction based on the LPSS consequence behavior policy.  

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