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Technology Assistance

Management Information Systems

The Management Information Systems Department provides LPSS students and staff with access to software, applications, and resources needed to complete daily tasks and enhance student learning. This includes account creation, permissions management, and data sharing/integration with approved district programs. MIS also oversees the collection, accuracy, and submission of all student data elements for state reporting to the Lousiana Department of Education.

MIS Staff

Patty Sellers
Management Information Systems Supervisor
Corey Bordelon
Computer Services Analyst
Leslie Green
Computer Services Analyst
Aranthia Rodgers
Computer Services Analyst
Kevin Faucheaux
Computer Services Analyst
Pamela Williams
Computer Services Analyst

Software, Programs, and Accounts Managed by MIS

Alio - The LPSS Financial, Employee Services, and Inventory System software can be downloaded from the Kace HelpDesk User Console.

Student Privacy

State & Federal laws require school districts to protect student data. This includes the data that websites, software, and programs collect when students login and use them. LPSS conducts a  Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with each company/vendor/website prior to students accessing online content/technology that requires them to protect student data in accordance with ACT 837, Act 677, CIPPA, & FERPA.

Sites/programs that do not require students to log in, are listed on students' Clever login page, or are on the list below are approved by LPSS and can be used by students. Use the table below to search for sites and their status.

Upcoming Events


Regular Board Meeting

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Insurance/Finance Committee

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

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