Job Postings
We appreciate your interest in making a difference in the lives of our students. In this section, you will find postings for positions currently available in our school system. The postings will be updated as positions become available.
To apply for the position, find the posting for the job(s) for which you qualify and click "Apply". If you have any problems uploading the required documents, please call or come by the Employee Services Department. If you do not have digital copies of the required documents needed, the Employee Services Department can upload them for you.
All applications must be submitted before 4:30pm on the application deadline date. If the application is not submitted or submitted after 4:30pm on the deadline date, then the application will not be considered. If you have any trouble with the online application system, please contact the Employee Services Department for technical assistance.
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- Continue/modify my application for employment
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- Request technical help
Internal applicants only
- View internal positions
- Submit an internal application/transfer form
- Continue/modify my application for employment
Supplemental Employment, Teacher Assistant, and Certified Substitute Teachers can also apply by selecting the following link:
Start an Application for Employment
Supplemental Employment Positions:
Band Instructor, Athletics Coach, Consultant, Custodial, Maintenance, Registered Nurse, School Food Service, Student Worker, Substitute School Administrator, Therapist, Tutor, Adult Ed Instructor, Clerical, Dance Team Coach, Counselor, Activity Driver, Substitute Bus Drivers, Substitute Bus Attendants
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