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Request for Public Records

Duplication of Records

A Public Records Request may be made by any person eighteen (18) years of age or older for a public record. The Lafayette Parish School Board shall require any person making the request to reimburse the School Board for the costs of the requested records, prior to providing any document, record, or item, unless the person is exempted from providing reimbursement. Duplication of records classified as confidential information shall not be permitted.

Public Records Request are not designed to simply answer a question posed by the requestor.

Public records may be requested, inspected, copied, or reproduced during business hours at:
Office of the Superintendent
202 Rue Iberville
Lafayette, LA 70508-1502

Please be advised that information submitted to the School Board may become public record pursuant to the provisions of the Public Records Act.


Click here for all  student information request.

Persons making requests for duplication of records shall submit such requests in writing to expedite accurate processing of their requests. Requests should be sufficiently detailed to identify the documents sought. Questions regarding the appropriateness of having certain pieces of information duplicated shall be referred to the Superintendent and/or his/her designees for determination, and if necessary, to the School Board’s attorney.

Costs associated with the provision of records shall include the charges for copying and delivering of the records. When authorized by law, the School Board may also charge for the time spent retrieving and producing any such records. A schedule of fees used to calculate costs associated with duplication of records shall be set by the School Board.

What happens after I make my request?

Legal Counsel may need to review and respond to requests for public records.  It is recommended that you provide contact information as it may be necessary to contact you in order to clarify the request and/or confirm that you are willing to pay for copies.  While responses will be provided as expeditiously as possible, response time will, of necessity, depend on the scope of the request and how the documents are stored.

Policy CG- Administrative Records

Duplication of Records Schedule of Fees

Upcoming Events


Mardi Gras Break

Start: Mar 3, 2025 End: Mar 7, 2025

Multi-Day Event


Regular Board Meeting

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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