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Homebound instruction services are designed to support regular or special education students, who as a result of health care treatment, physical illness, accident, or the treatment thereof, are temporarily unable to attend school for a period of eleven (11) days or more. Homebound instruction should be used as a last resort after all other options and/or alternative schedules have been exhausted.

Students may qualify for homebound services when enrolled in a public school with a written request from the attending medical physician. Homebound is also an alternative setting of the provision of special education services to children evaluated as exceptional according to Bulletin 1508 and when specified as a placement in the student's IEP. Instruction allows the student under medical care to continue to receive instruction in accordance with Lafayette Parish curriculum so the student can reengage successfully in the instructional program upon return to school.

Homebound Application Click Here


For more information please contact:
Ashley LeMaire
LPSS Homebound Department Lead Teacher/Coordinator

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Regular Board Meeting

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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