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Special Education

Assistive Technology

Consideration: For students eligible for an IEP, consideration of assistive technology must occur when the IEP is developed, reviewed and/or revised. The Consideration Checklist (Appendix, AT-1) has been developed to guide IEP teams through the process of consideration. The Consideration Checklist provides a framework to lead discussion and a format for documenting decisions made by the IEP team. It is designed to facilitate a brief discussion about the assistive technology needs of a student.

Screening: An AT screening is conducted at the school site level by a member of the student’s educational team or by personnel familiar with AT. The School-Based AT Personnel Flowchart can help determine which team member(s) may conduct the screening depending on the area of difficulty/concern. That team member can use the LPSS Assistive Technology Screening Form (Appendix, AT-3) to conduct the screening.

Assessment Team: The team consists of six Speech-Language Pathologists, five of whom are a part of the PAS team, an Occupational Therapist, and a Physical Therapist.

Staff Training and Support: The AT Team provides ongoing training for teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, students, in usage of appropriate software and equipment assigned to them. In-services are provided to interested teachers and therapists on new software several times each school year. Follow up training and support is also provided to all personnel in the student's educational environment. At times trainers are brought in directly from the manufacturer of that device to provide intense training and support.

For more information call:
Renee Rivault

Shannon Endsley

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