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“Experience the Difference” represents our commitment to providing unique and impactful educational experiences for every student. It reflects our focus on Growth, Opportunity, Culture and Safety, ensuring that LPSS provides the best option in public education for every child in Lafayette Parish.

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WD Career Center

LPSS Opportunity: The Computer Integrated Machinery Pathway at W.D. Mary Baker Career Center

Could the future of high-paying, in-demand careers be hiding in plain sight? Local industries are eager for skilled machinists, but many students and parents don’t realize the incredible opportunities awaiting them. At W.D. Mary Baker Career Center, the Computer Integrated Machinery (CIM) pathway offers cutting-edge training, yet the seats remain underfilled.

Want to know how this hidden gem could launch students into thriving careers? Discover the exciting opportunities and the steps being taken to ignite interest in this life-changing pathway!

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LPSS Safety: LPSS and Law Enforcement Strengthen Safety Measures

In a continued effort to prioritize the safety of our students and staff, LPSS teamed up with local law enforcement for a quarterly safety summit. From enhancing emergency plans to adopting new safety technologies, the district is committed to creating secure and supportive learning environments across all 46 schools.

Want to know how we’re keeping your schools safe? Discover key highlights from the summit and learn more about the steps being taken to protect our school communities!

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Wellness Wednesday

LPSS Culture: LPSS Expands Employee Wellness Initiative with Second Annual Wellness Wednesday Launch

We’re excited to announce the return of Wellness Wednesday! This initiative is a key part of building a positive, supportive culture at LPSS. Wellness Wednesday is all about focusing on your well-being and creating a healthier workplace. Whether you’re looking for tips on stress management, mindfulness, or simply need a space to unwind, we’ve got you covered.

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Celebrating Our Attendance Awareness Competition Winners: LPSS Growth Through Attendance

What do vibrant artwork, T-shirts, and a commitment to student success have in common? Our amazing students! This quarter, we’re thrilled to highlight the winners of the Attendance Awareness Month Poster and T-Shirt Contest, with Kyleigh Broussard from Edgar Martin leading the way as the overall winner. Her design is proudly featured on T-shirts given to each winner!

Celebrating attendance goes beyond creativity—it’s a crucial part of addressing truancy and fostering a culture of growth. Want to see the incredible artwork and learn how consistent attendance is fueling student success across our district? Dive into the full story inside!

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See the amazing stories and achievements of our students making an impact in the community!

Upcoming Events


Regular Board Meeting

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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