Technology Assistance
Online Safety & Digital Citizenship
The digital world offers incredible opportunities for learning, creativity, and connection, but it also presents challenges that require vigilance and responsibility. The Lafayette Parich School System is committed to ensuring that every student is equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online environment safely and responsibly.
What is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship for kids means being a good and responsible person when you're online. It's about using the internet safely, being kind to others, and making smart choices when you use apps, games, or social media. Just like being a good citizen in your community, digital citizenship is about doing the right thing in the digital world.
Digital Citizenship: Do's
Create Your Online Identity
You are the creator of your own brand. What you post and share online will either make or break your brand. Choose the images and words you post carefully to ensure the message matches the image (or brand) you're building and maintaining.
Be Mindful of Your Digital Footprint
What you post today can last forever.
Know Your Audience
We change the way we speak in face-to-face situations based on who we're speaking to. We should adjust the way we post online based on the audience who will be viewing that post.
See Something, Say Something
This is not just a campaign slogan. Report harmful behavior, especially cyber bullying, to a parent, teacher, or school employee. Even if it's not directed towards you, report it. Want to report anonymously? Click here.
Digital Citizenship: Don'ts
Fall for Scams
- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
- Not everything needs to be posted online. Top 10 Things to Think About Before You Post
Post Private Info
- Remember that NOTHING is truly private when it's online. Protect yourself from creepers by keeping your information private! I'm not talking passwords (though you should keep those safe). I'm talking about check-ins, Snapchat location visibility, and giving someone (online) your address or other personal information.
Feed the Trools
People who thrive on provoking others by posting negative and inflammatory things online. If we stop feeding them, they no longer have a reason to do what they do. STARVE THEM OUT!
Family Support
Keeping Your Accounts Safe
What happens in your account is tied to YOUR name and YOU can get in trouble for inappropriate activity. If someone else has your account information, they could use your account inappropriately, and there will be no evidence that it was not you.
- It is not difficult for someone to find your email address. If they know your birth date (also not hard to find or guess), they can get into your account and you are liable for what happens in YOUR account.
- Change your password!
- You can change your password at any time and also change it multiple times a year.
Use a strong password.
- Use letters, numbers, and symbols
- If you're going to use words, replace letters and numbers with symbols
- DON'T leave your password as your date of birth! It is too easy for someone to get into your account.
Be sure to logout of your account(s) when you step away from ANY device.
- Click the Sign Out button on the Chromebook before closing the lid.
- Log out of Chrome (three dots on the top right corner - Settings).
- Log out of Google Apps (your avatar/name - logout).
- Log out of Clever.
Check your account activity.
- Think someone is using your account? After changing your password, check your account activity:
- Click on your name in the top right corner and click Google Account.
- Click Security on the left.
- You have two places to check:
- Recent security events - This will show any app, extension, or new login.
- Your devices - This will give you a list of all devices that have access to your account. Remove any suspicious devices.
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