SOAR Program
Arriving to School:
- The estimated time of drop off is 8:00 am
- The estimated pickup time is 2:00 pm
- If the SOAR entrance gate is open then you may drop your child off, if the gate is closed then please drive up to the front office to sign in your child.
- Bus Riders will exit the buses in the front of school.
Dismissal From School
- Buses will enter in from Ambassador Caffery and load students from the SOAR entrance.
- Car riders will also enter from Ambassador Caffery. Car riders will load from the front of school.
- Make sure the office is aware how a student will get home before the students start the program.
Changing How a Student Goes Home:
- Please send a note to the teacher stating that the child is going home a different way. Example: Instead of a bus rider they will be a car rider. I would also email the teacher informing him/her in case the student does not give the note to the teacher. Please have the note written in your handwriting, sign it and put a phone number to contact you.
- During the day, you will need to come to school and show your ID. Then once this is done, the clerks will inform your child and the teacher.
- If you are unable to come to school then you must fax (337-521-7540) or email and with a copy of your ID and a note stating how you want your child to go home. Please remember that the person who picks up your child must be in our computer system as a contact for your child. Then call to make sure that we have received the information. (337-521-7540)
- Please do not make it a habit to change how your child goes home. This leads to confusion for your child. It is best to always keep the same routine.
Checking Out a Child Early
- Students may not be checked out after 1:30 PM.
- The person checking out your child must be listed in the computer for your child.
- ID required for checking out your child.
Breakfast and Lunch
- Students are provided breakfast and lunch at SOAR free of charge.
- Breakfast will be provided upon entrance to the SOAR gate.
- Students are allowed to bring their own lunch to school. Please remember that we have a few students who are severely allergic to peanut butter.
- Students are not allowed to bring candy, soft drinks, sunflower seeds, or items containing nuts.
- Parents/visitors are not allowed to eat breakfast or lunch with their children this school year.
Personal Property
- Students are responsible for the care and security of personal items.
- Please label all jackets and coats with your child’s first and last name.
- Students are not allowed to bring toys or electronics to school.
Medication at School
- The school cannot dispense medication of any kind without the written directive of the student's personal physician. No medication of any kind can be dispensed at the school until the “Administration of Medication Form” has been properly processed and returned to the school nurse. A meeting is required with the school nurse. Please call to schedule an appointment.
- Students may NOT carry cough drops, aspirin, Motrin, medicated chapsticks, etc.
- If your child takes medicine before coming to school, please make sure they don’t place it in their pockets.
- Regular attendance is essential for a quality education and for completion of this program.
- The student must attend the amount of days they are assigned in order to be able to return to their base school.
Early Check-out
- Parents are urged to make dental, medical and other appointments after school hours, or if during the day, the time should be staggered so that the student does not always miss the same class.
- If necessary to check out during the school day, parents/guardians should report to the office with a picture ID to sign the student out. Do not go directly to the class to get your child. Office personnel will call the student from class.
- If sending another person to check out your child, their name must be in our computer system as a contact. If they are not on the list, they can not take your child from campus.
- A student is considered tardy when the SOAR entrance gate is closed.
- If a student arrives after the SOAR gate is closed, his/her parent must report to the office to sign in and pick up a pass for class. If this process is not followed, you will be called to come to campus and follow the proper check in procedure.
Student Dress Code
- Students are expected to follow the LPSS dress code policy that is found in the District Handbook.
- Free Dress Days are given throughout the year for special reasons. If a student is participating in Free Dress they must follow the Free Dress Policy found at the end of this document.
*Book bags, wallets, purses, or bags of any sort are NOT allowed on campus.*
*Students are not allowed to have cell phones or any other electronic equipment on campus. Confiscated items that are able to be returned will only be returned to a parent. SOAR is NOT responsible for any confiscated items that become lost or stolen.*
SOAR Mission
The SOAR program is designed for students to make a meaningful behavior change in order to be successful back at their base school.
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