SOAR Program
SOAR Mission
The SOAR program is designed for students to make a meaningful behavior change in order to be successful back at their base school.
The SOAR Program (Supports Opportunities Achievements Re-engage) provides students with an opportunity to continue a quality educational experience after being referred from their base school. The other focus is improving their social and emotional behavior. The goal is for the students to be able to maintain the appropriate behavior at their base school. SOAR will focus on behavior management and making sustainable changes to open up opportunities for students once they return to their base schools.
Like any other school, academic success is a priority at SOAR. To aid students in achieving their academic goals, SOAR provides smaller class sizes. This creates an academic environment in which students have access to academic guidance and support on a regular basis.
While enrolled at SOAR, students will have opportunities to learn how to cope with personal/emotional challenges. The behavior coordinator and school social worker Along with staff members will provide individual and group counseling. They may also assist students and families in obtaining valuable resources available from the community when applicable.
Students will be involved in behavioral management interventions that serve to develop habits that promote academic success. Behavior is monitored and students receive feedback on a class-by-class basis. Students are rewarded for successful behavior and/or valiant efforts to improve behavior. Our students are expected to consistently show personal, emotional, behavioral, and academic growth. They are taught strategies to set and accomplish personal and academic goals and are afforded the opportunity to practice their new skills regularly.
- Students are required to be physically present and engaged in learning for the number of school days assigned by the LPSS District Hearing Officer. Absences, weekends, and school holidays do not count toward successful completion.
- If a student is unsuccessful at SOAR either academically or behaviorally an SBLC meeting will be scheduled to determine the appropriate interventions and support.
- Repeated infractions or a serious infraction will result in a possible extension of the student’s assignment at SOAR as determined through an SBLC or IEP meeting
- Students will move through four color levels while at SOAR. All students will start out on a PURPLE level. Once he/she receives 100 points they will be able to move on to the next level. With each level, the student will receive more privileges/positive rewards. The Four levels of SOAR will be PURPLE, BLUE, YELLOW, and GREEN. Once a student is on the GREEN level an exit SBLC or IEP meeting will be scheduled with the base school and the student's parents/guardians.
Please be advised that there will be periods during the school year that may cause students to attend SOAR beyond the number of days assigned. For example, movement in and out of SOAR, typically, 2 weeks before spring state testing. The movement also stops approximately 2 weeks prior to the end of the school year. Should your child complete his or her assigned days during one of the “no movement” periods, he or she will be processed for exit when movement begins again. Please contact the administration with concerns about student days. Teachers are not allowed to give any information about the dates of student exits.
*The IEP committee will be reconvened for all Special Education students to review placement and consideration for the student when they have been recommended for exit by their advisory teacher.
- Ensure your student is present and on time each school day.
- Notify the school office at 337-521-7540 when your child is out of school for any reason.
- Keep your student at home when they have a fever, are vomiting, or are otherwise sick.
- Have multiple up-to-date and working telephone numbers for the student’s parents/guardians and/or emergency contacts on file with our office.
- On the school information sheet that you complete during orientation, please be sure to include the names of all people who may check your child out of school. We will not release your child to anyone who is not on the list. Any changes to this list must be made by a parent/guardian in the school office.
- Personally notify the school of any change in address or phone number.
- Communicate with the school nurse regarding medical information.
- Discuss the importance of following all school rules with your child.
- Set up appointments when you want to discuss any concerns with the principal, academic/behavior coordinator or teachers.
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