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Southside High School

Our History

A committee of students met and voted to select the mascot and school colors for Southside High School. The committee included current 8th graders from Youngsville Middle School, Milton Middle School and Broussard Middle School. Ninth graders from the general student population as well as from the Arts Academy served on the committee. Southside opened in August 2017. The 8th and 9th grade classes of 2016-17 were the first students at Southside High School.

School colors were selected from the following color combinations:

Teal, black, and gold

Teal, navy, and silver

Orange and blue

School mascot was selected from the following choices:


Swarm (hornets, yellow jackets)


The results of the voting were as follows:

85.7% Teal, Navy, Silver

95.2% Sharks

Upcoming Events


Beta Club Meeting

2:45 PM - 3:10 PM


ACT Test

All Day Event


End of 9 Weeks

All Day Event

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