Welcome to Southside High School's Counseling Department!
Mission Statement: Southside High School Counseling Department focuses on personal/social, academic, and career growth through a comprehensive counseling program. Learning is presented through classroom lessons, group and individual counseling, and by utilizing parental and community resources.
Counseling Department: 337-521-7603
Fax: 337-521-7601
ACT Code: 190041

Tiffany Johnson
Class of 2028 - University Diploma Freshmen Counselor

Beth Krantz
Jump Start Counselor for 11th and 12th grades

Adrienne Kimball
Class of 2025 - University Diploma Senior Counselor

Joanna Marx
Class of 2026 - University Diploma Junior Counselor

Courtney Puckett
Class of 2027 - University Diploma Sophmore Counselor

Ty Blum
School Counselors & Confidentiality
While it is important that a student’s conversations with a school counselor be kept confidential, confidentiality does have its limitations. According to the American School Counselor Association’s Ethical Standards for School Counselors, counselors must “keep information confidential unless legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed or a breach is required to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to the student” (American School Counselor Association [ASCA], 2010).
The most frequent type of breaches include a student verbalizing the following:
- Physical or Sexual Abuse
- Verbal Abuse or Neglect
- A desire to harm him/herself
- A desire to harm someone else
- An unreported sexual assault
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