About Us
Address: 401 Broadmoor Blvd, Lafayette, LA 70503 Phone: 337-521-7910 Fax: 337-521-7911
Mission: The mission of Edgar Martin stakeholders is to achieve academic success, maintain high standards and show school spirit- all within a safe environment.
Vision: As an Edgar Martin Ram, I pledge to be responsible for my actions, to always be safe, to maintain a positive attitude, and to show school spirit! Rams are Responsible, Attentive, Motivated, and Successful!
Special Programs:
English as a Second Language & Deaf Education
Mrs. Oubre, Principal Miss Moss, Assistant Principal
avoubre@lpssonline.com acmoss@lpssonline.com

Anne Wolfe, Instructional Leader
Janie Pothier, Secretary
Candi Penn, Clerk
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