Counselor's Corner
My goal as school counselors is to help our students grow academically, personally, and socially by delivering classroom guidance lessons, small group activities, and individual sessions. School counselors provide students with an opportunity to discuss and process feelings, learn new skills and behaviors, and build positive character traits.
What do School Counselors Do?
Counselors work alongside the staff and parents to help students develop socially, emotionally, and to help remove any barriers they have to learning.
Services May Include
Classrooms Lessons teaching social skills
Small Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Consultation with Parents
Family Support Includes
Social and Emotional Concerns
Parent/Child Communication
Academic Achievement
Family Difficulty
Parent & Family Engagement
Parent Resource Center
Coping With Anxiety
Meditation and Breathing Guidance
Fight Flight Freeze – A Guide to Anxiety for Kids
COVID-19 Time Capsule Sheet Activity
Lafayette Agencies
The following local agencies provide counseling services outside of the school. Please contact Ms. Simmons if you would like information and/or a referral.
Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office
The Family Tree
Healing House
The Center for Loss and Transition
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