Extended Learning
Student Expectations
UPDATE: 12/16/24!!!!
This will be the last week of tutoring for the Fall 24-25 school year! We will begin Middle School Spring Extended Learning once we return from the holidays during the week of Jan 20th. Upon returning from the holiday break, Ms. Roy will closely reassess grades for invites. That will include possible failures.
Students must make sure they report to extended learning on the days they signed up for. If the student is not signed up for that day, they will have to call home.
Students will report to the cafeteria immediately after the dismissal bell to sign in for extended learning each day. The assigned teacher will pick up students from the cafeteria.
Students can not opt out of doing work during extended learning.
Students must be picked up promptly at 3:45 in front of the school. This means that parents must be waiting in the front of the school at 3:45. Students who are picked up late or those who are excessive no shows will become ineligible to participate.
Space is limited so make sure to make the proper arrangements in advance as needed.
Retake & Make-up Testing for All Grade Levels
All students must self-advocate to their classroom teacher to arrange a retake or make-up test. Each teacher has their own procedure for student to request after school testing, so please make sure your student is familiar with their teacher's policy. Once arrangements have been made between the student and teacher, the teacher will sign students up for after school testing. Students must be picked up by 3:45 pm. Excessive late pickups will result in students losing the opportunity to participate in after-school testing.
Middle School Extended Learning Schedule
Monday - Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Kitchen Table
Tuesday - Retakes
Wednesday - Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Kitchen Table
Thursday- Retakes
Middle School Extended Learning
Extended Learning Invite: In order to assist our students in succeeding, we have used data including LEAP scores, final report card grades, iReady data and intervention status to identify the students that will benefit most from additional learning after school. An email invitation has been sent to the parents of these students. Parents will need to fill out the google form on this email. Once a student has joined the program, he/she will have the opportunity to attend twice a week in the subject in which he/she was invited to participate.
Kitchen table: Students will work with one of our DTSMA teachers on correcting missed test questions, homework help, studying and anything else in which they need support. Students are responsible for bringing a Chromebook and their study materials to the Kitchen Table.
Extra Help: If students feel they need extra help in a specific subject, parents can email Ms. Roy, arroy@lpssonline.com and ask to sign up for tutoring in that particular subject area. Know that space is limited. Ms. Roy will be able to schedule students for the specific day that they are able to come.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ms. Roy, DTSMA middle school instructional leader and extended learning coordinator at arroy@lpssonline.com.
High School Extended Learning Schedule
- Academic Success
- US History
- Geometry LEAP
- Biology/MI
- Band
- Engineering
- Academic Success
- Retakes
- Alg 1/ LEAP
- Alg 2
- Geometry
- Biology ACT
- Biology/ BioMed
- Academic Success
- Retakes
- Alg 1 / LEAP
- Bio LEAP
- US HIstory
- Chemistry/Env Sci
- Geometry
High School Extended Learning
Tutor: Students need to fill out the google form to sign up for tutoring.
Academic Success : Students need to fill out the google form to sign up for Academic Success. Students will work with one of our DTSMA teachers on correcting missed test questions, homework help, studying and anything else in which they need support. Students are responsible to bring a Chromebook and their class materials.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ms. Lasseigne, DTSMA high school instructional leader and extended learning coordinator at jmlasseigne@lpssonline.com.
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