Library & Technology

[Through AHS]
- Log into Clever with your LPSS username and password. Look for the black Mackinvia app underneath the section titled "Instant Login Applications (District)." Click on the app.
- You will now see all of the ebooks available for you to check out. See or e-mail a librarian with questions. There is also a Mackinvia app available for your phone. Enjoy e-reading!

Lafayette Public Library
- Your student ID functions as a public library card.
- The Libby app can be downloaded to search and borrow books.
To use a Student ID online as a library card, apply the following formula:
239555 + 00* + Student ID number.
(*add zeros here in the middle to make a 14-digit sequence)
For example, if the student’s ID number is 857449, then the library card number would be: 23955500857449.
To sign in online, you’ll use the following PIN: 1234.
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.