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Summer Reading

Here are some wonderful authors and illustrators your child may enjoy reading over the summer:

Summer Reading List

UL has a Reading Clinic designed to help students in grades two and above become more proficient readers. The clinic consists of approximately 15 hours and/or 10 sessions of tutoring. Each tutor evaluates the child first and then teaches using an individualized, prescriptive program. The parent will receive a formal report at the end of the tutoring sessions and will have an opportunity to formally confer with the tutor. The program is available to students advancing to second grade and above who are experiencing difficulties in reading (This is not an enrichment program for children who want to improve from a B to an A in reading.) There will be a session From June 15th-30th (Monday-Thursday) from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Education majors who have had three to six hours in reading methodology will conduct the tutoring program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Campus. There will be a $25.00 (negotiable) fee for approximately 15-17 hours of tutoring. To register your child, contact The Reading Clinic: Phone/Voice Mail 482-5012.

Here are some great websites to enhance summer reading. Just click on the links below to access the site. Enjoy!

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