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National Honor Society

Members of the junior and senior classes are eligible. To be eligible for National Honor Society students must have:

  1. A cumulative average of 3.50
  2. Have taken at least two units of advanced/honors level courses per year
  3. No courses below the regular level of difficulty in academic areas can be taken
  4. Meet high standards of leadership, service, and character
  5. Been in attendance at Comeaux for at least one semester

***A member who falls below a cumulative 3.50 GPA within the first three semesters will have one semester to bring the average to the required level. Any senior member who is not enrolled in at least 4 classes or does not have a 3.50 cumulative GPA for their final GPA will be dismissed. Additional information about the National Honor Society may be obtained from the sponsor, Mr. Austin Thompson at

Beta Club

All grade levels are eligible and must have:

  1. A cumulative average of 3.0
  2. Complete 20 community service hours, 5 hours with the Beta Club as a group
  3. Attend at least half of all scheduled meetings after school (approx. 7)

***Members that are suspended for major discipline infraction are subject to dismissal at the discretion of the Administration of Comeaux High School. Additional information about the Beta Club may be obtained from the sponsor, Mrs. Angelia Murrah at

Upcoming Events


ACT Bootcamp

All Day Event


International Club Meeting

8:00 AM - 8:35 AM


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