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Milton Elementary School

Bus & Car Rider Information

Parents - 

Every family will receive 2 car rider tags with the names of your children (even if you don't usually use the car rider line). The tags will be handed out during the first week of school. We will give the tags to the youngest child in the family.  If you need more than 2 tags or did not receive one, please email Mrs. Adrienne at



  • Once in loading area, please put your car in park
  • Drop-off - have your child(ren) ready - unbuckled, dressed, and ready to exit
  • Please do not let your child exit the vehicle until we give a THUMBS UP or we open the door
  • Please be courteous… allow the right lane vehicles to make a wide turn in the curve before you go
  • Make sure this car tag is visible on your dashboard IN THE AFTERNOON
  • School zone laws apply: No texting while driving, no smoking on school property, no firearms on school property, and this is a drug free zone!
  • Do not progress forward until directed by the lead duty teacher

MEMS Car Rider Procedures and Map


What zone do you live in?

Check your school zone now by clicking here and entering your address.



Bus Stop Locations

IN ZONE: (Simple Search) Students attending their home zone school should first select their student’s appropriate grade level, then enter their home address with zip code.

OUT OF ZONE: (Advanced Search) Students attending a School of Choice, School Choice, or Special Program outside of their home zone should select the appropriate grade level with the “OZ (Out of Zone)” prefix. Next, choose the school, and then choose appropriate corresponding Program Name. Finally, enter home address with zip code.

*Bus Routes are attached to the student’s home address. Incorrect addresses will result inaccurate results. Please contact your child’s school to correct this information and the correct route will be posted within 48 hours. For immediate assistance, please contact 337-521-RIDE (7433) or your student’s school.

**If you are not able to access information for out of zone, Schools of Choice, School Choice, or Gifted routes, please contact the Transportation Department at 337-521-RIDE (7433).

Bus Stops (e-Link)


Bus # Name Phone #
331 (Blue) Christy Meyers 337-326-7156
536 (Neon Green) Jon Irvin 337-296-7378
335 (Green) Edith Guidroz 337-296-8134
452 (Red) Lisa Henderson 337-288-6246
457 (Brown) Starla Girouard 337-739-4526
476 (Orange) Vicki Trahan 337-296-8908
483 (Pink) Kevin Hebert 337-552-3431
503 (Yellow) Peggy Hamberlin 337-385-4505
493 (Purple) Lakeila Benjamin 337-378-6530
330 (White) Ceciley Marshall 337-241-8902

Upcoming Events


Mother son event

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Father Daughter Dance

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

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