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L. J. Alleman Middle School

Support LJA

"Trash for Cash"

Easy Ways You Can Help!

Don't throw away these items! Make money for our school by bringing these items into the library or office. To learn more, just click on each logo.

Thank you for helping to support our school!
CC products

Send all Community Coffee UPC labels from all CC products to the library (including business triangle-shaped UPC labels). Ask your neighbors, friends, relatives, and businesses to collect them for LJA too!.

Send all General Mills Box Tops for Education to the library. Our school earns ten cents for each box top submitted.

A Target Visa Card shops anywhere. Request L. J. Alleman Middle School, as your school choice, and the school receives a cash kickback.

If you shop at Albertsons, your food purchases can generate money for LJA, at no extra cost to you! A percentage of your purchases goes directly to our school which means that the students benefit. Get your card today!

Office Depot helps to support our schools through the "5% Back to Schools Program". Whenever you shop at Office Depot, just give them the name of our school when you check out and we will receive a 5% credit. It's that easy!

community parents
office depot
back to school

Upcoming Events


Mardi Gras Dance (6th & 7th)

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Literacy & LEAP Night

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM


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