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Lafayette High School


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CSHS - There will be a meeting Thur, Dec 19 after school in Rm 247. Remember to bring some goodies for Pot Luck...

QUIZ BOWL - Attention Quiz Bowl Members: There is an important announcement for our next tournament on Google Classroom. You must respond to this by the end of the day on today, December 19th.

BETA - Attention Beta Club Members: Our monthly meeting will take place today, December 19th right after school in the auditorium. Please make arrangements to attend. A
Beta life is a better life.

SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB - LHS Students: if interested joining LHS Sign Language Club (SLC), on January 8th, come to Ms. Dorsey's room 301 for meeting after school from 3 pm-3:30 pm .

Upcoming Events


Leap Testing-Rm 108

6:00 AM - 7:30 AM


Leap Testing-Rm 108

6:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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