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Summer Reading

English Dual Enrollment 201 & 202

Required Text for English 201= The Norton Anthology of English Literature (10th edition)-- all three volumes:
The Middle Ages, The Sixteenth Century/The Early Seventeenth Century, and The Restoration/The Eighteenth Century

  • You will need all three volumes for the first semester.
  • You will need your book for class each session, starting with the first day.

Required Text for English 202= The Norton Anthology of English Literature (10th ed)-- all three volumes: 
The Romantic Period, The Victorian Age, the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

  • You will need all three volumes for the second semester.
  • You will need your book for class each session, starting with the first day of the second semester.

Summer Reading Assignment:

  1. You must have your own copy of the novel Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro.
  2. Read and annotate the novel.  You will write notes in the book or you can annotate with sticky notes if the book does not belong to you.
  3. Annotate for theme, symbolism, characterization, foreshadowing, interesting passages, etc.  Notes must cover the entire span of the book (not just one part).  You should have notes for every chapter.
  4. Include highlighted/underlined passages as well as commentary.  Why are you annotating this passage?  The goal is to prove you read the book and can provide insightful analysis on what you read.
  5. Bring your annotated book to class the first day.

Both the novel and the textbooks can be purchased on Abe BooksHalf Price BooksThrift BooksAmazon

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