LPSS Student Handbook
LPSS Device Agreement
Student Pledge:
I will follow all parts of the Lafayette Parish School System’s Device Agreement and Student Internet and Computer Use Agreement (which can be found in the LPSS handbook) while at school as well as outside of school.
This means I will:
- Only use the Device for educational purposes and in a responsible and ethical manner.
- Take care of my Device as outlined in the LPSS Device Agreement.
- Bring a charged Device to school on a daily basis.
- Never leave my Device unattended.
- Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements.
- Report to my teacher all inappropriate material that makes me feel uncomfortable or is not respectful.
- Keep my password secret.
- Keep food and beverage away from my Device.
- Promote and communicate online safety and digital citizenship.
- Be responsible for restitution for damages or replacement due to misuse of the Device.
- Return the Device, carrying case, and power cord in good, working condition.
This also means that I will not:
- Disassemble any part of my Device (including district identification), attempt repair myself or through a third party, and/or place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the Device.
- Loan my Device to others.
- Deface, vandalize, destroy, damage, ruin, and/or scratch my Device in any way.
- Use or attempt to use another person’s username and/or password.
- Cyberbully and/or post, send, or store information that could endanger others.
- Give out personal information over the Internet.
- Delete district/school installed Device settings.
- Attempt to bypass Internet filters.
Your account is monitored.
We use a monitoring service to ensure that you remain save while using your LPSS Google account. Your account can be flagged and reported for inappropriate behavior, images, language, etc.
What does this mean for you?
Having access to technology at school is important for your future. The skills you gain from using technology at school will help you be productive inside and outside of school.
We have some expectations for you when you are using school devices and the network (Internet & WiFi).
- Our network (Internet & WiFi) is to be used for EDUCATIONAL purposes. We have to filter to keep you safe online and because we receive federal monies that pays for a lot of our network and hardware (access points). If we don't use filters, we don't get money to pay for the access we all need.
- Email is for school stuff, not chat. It's monitored. It is never permanently deleted. Be wise, young grasshoppers, when you are using email to communicate.
- Your LPSS Google account is for school stuff! DO NOT sync your PERSONAL device with your school Google account! Bad things will happen!!!!!
- Just. Be. Kind. Online.
- Keep your info safe!
- Take care of the devices you use! We don't have unlimited funds to replace broken devices.
- Helpdesk (opens in new window)
- School WiFi Access
- In-home Internet Assistance Application (opens in new window)
- AplicaciĆ³n para Recibir Servicio de Internet Gratis en Casa (opens in new window)
- Your Google Account
- Chromebooks
- School Tech Coaches
- Other Tech Tools
- Online Safety
- Digital Citizenship
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