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Job Fair

Student Leadership Positions

(Job Descriptions and Qualifications)

Flag Leader

( 1 flag raiser, 1 to remove the flag daily) 3rd - 5th

Job Description: Raise the flag in the morning before 7:40 am. Remove the flag before 7:50 pm. Reports to Mr. Keigler

Job Qualifications

  • Flag raiser - arrives at school by 7:35 am
  • Flag Remover - attends an after school program such as Extended Learning or YMCA
  • Responsible for reporting DAILY

News Casters (6) 4th - 5th

Job Description: Present the morning announcements in a professional, expressive manner. Reports to Mrs.Conley

Job Qualifications

  • Excellent Speaker
  • Outgoing personality
  • Enjoys presenting to others
  • Great Reader
  • Creative
  • Outstanding Discipline ( ANY major/minor discipline referrals will be replaced)

Greeter Leader (3) 3rd -5th

Job Description: Greets students in the morning during arrival. Greeters also greet parents and other visitors during school activities. Shake hands with guests as they enter, and greets students in the car rider line. Reports to Mrs. Evitt

Job Qualifications

  • Arrives by 7:35 am
  • Responsible and prompt
  • Firm Hand Shake
  • Outgoing personality

Cafeteria Manager (2)

Job Description: Help check for ID’ s. Assist in making sure everyone keeps the cafeteria clean. Assists young students with opening items, carrying items, etc. Reports to Mrs. Sanders

Job Qualifications:

  • Arrives at 7:25
  • Leader of Cafeteria Behavior

Hall Monitor (2) 3rd-5th

(One for East Wing, One for West Wing)

Job Description: Make sure everyone is being his or her very best in the hallway and showing great leadership. Assist any students that need help finding their class. Reports to Mrs. Moncrieffe.

Job Qualifications:

  • Arrive at 7:25
  • Leader of Hallway Behavior
  • Outgoing Personality
  • Assist younger students requiring assistance in the hallway

Photographers (2) 4th -5th

Job Description: Responsible for taking photographs of school events and grade-level activities. Responsible for updating synergy bulletin board. Reports to Mrs. Conley

Job Qualifications:

  • Knowledge of a digital camera
  • Responsible with equipment

Tagged On Tuesday Sign Holder (4)  3rd - 5th

Job Description: Holds a point club sign and assists with directing students in lining up in the correct point club line. Reports to Mrs. Landry.

Job Qualifications:

  • Organization skills
  • Ability to stand quietly and lead others to do the same

Library Clerk (3) 5th Grade

Job Description: Assist the librarian in returning books to their appropriate place on the book shelves. Reports to Mrs. Sanders. 

Job Qualifications:

  • Assists with library duties during recess as needed
  • Ability to place things in alphabetical order
  • Ability to read and place decimals in the correct number order
  • Organization skills

AR Helpers (11) 4th-5th Grade 

Job Description: Assist Kindergarten students with AR testing procedures and book selection procedures. Also assist students in learning to record all AR test information in the library folder.  Reports to assigned teacher.

Job Qualifications:

  • Organization Skills, 
  • Outstanding AR progress and knowledge
  • Responsible and Prompt
  • Able to work patiently with younger students

Here as some interview questions for you and your child to practice:

Tell me a little about yourself.

Describe one weakness you may have and how you plan to build this weakness into a strength.

What is your greatest strength?

Describe yourself using 3 adjectives.

Why should I choose you for __________ position?

What qualities or experiences do you have that will help you in this position?

Do you have any questions about the position?

Would you consider a position other than the position you have applied for? If so, what other positions interests you?

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